
Old Fort Elementary: School Counseling Program


Welcome to the Old Fort Elementary School Counseling website. Thanks for stopping by to see what's happening to support our OFE students and families!

WELCOME to ALL of our OLD FORT families and students to a wonderful 2016-2017 school year!

We have been so fortunate to have our local churches and community organizations donate school supplies to us for our families. Without their ongoing generous support, we would be lost! Thank you!

Families, please let me know what you may need to support your child this year!


At some point, I came across an article about a few questions to ask your child every night. It is amazing the stories that have come from these questions in our home. The questions change often, but pretty much this is the general idea. Give it a try and see how it works for your family!

1. What is something that made you smile today?

2. What is something that made you sad today?

3. What is something you learned today?

4. What was your favorite part of your day?

Dear students, families and community of Old Fort Elementary,

Hello! I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to our School Counseling website and introduce myself as the School Counselor here at OFE. I truly enjoy working and learning together with our awesome students, educators,
families, and our community members.

A little about me: I have been a School Counselor for 10 years with students ranging in ages from 4 through 17. I am a proud graduate of Appalachian State University and the University of Delaware. My family keeps my days outside of school full of love, laughter, and a little chaos. My husband and I spend most of our energy outside of work on our biggest adventure: raising our two children; a little girl and a little boy. We learn something new together everyday from our precious little ones.

As the School Counselor, I strive to offer support to our students in order to help them feel and be successful. My goals each year include getting to know our students and families more and developing the counseling program in order to support our students in their academic, personal/social, emotional and career development. To meet the needs of our students, I offer a variety of school wide programs, small group counseling, and as needed, short-term individual counseling. In addition to these services, I also help coordinate referrals for our school based therapists and for community agencies that meet the needs of families.

I strongly believe that together we can make a positive difference. Please feel free to contact me at the school or via email if I can be of assistance. Please be sure to check out the counseling website throughout the year for updates.

Looking forward to a meaningful school year full of laughter, learning, student leadership and adventure.

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